Would you make a sacrifice for someone you do not know? Thousands have risked their life in the defence forces without knowing most of us. They fight the pain of battle, so we do not have to go through the trauma. Their near and dear ones bear the consequences of their injuries so we can have an enjoyable time with friends and family. Our contribution is a token of appreciation to the military and police for the dangers they encounter for us!

The HGV Driver Group is thankful to James Taylor Hodge, an ex-army officer, a beneficiary of the Curtis Palmer Program or CPP, and one of the first HGV Drivers we onboarded in 2016, for reaching out and allowing us to donate to their charity work along with Ben Parkinson MBE.

You may be wondering, who is Ben Parkinson MBE? How does CPP help soldiers and police? And why is the HGV Driver Group donating? Well, we would suggest reading this blog till the end to understand why this donation is significant!

Injuries are part of the job when one is an officer in the military or police. Along with them comes the possibility of sustaining long-term illnesses and mental health issues. One such story is of Ben Parkinson MBE who has faced unimaginable hardships yet is a motivation to many, takes on adventurous challenges worldwide and helps retired and injured Police Officers, Police Staff & military veterans with the help of the Curtis Palmer Program. We at HGV Driver Group are proud to be contributing to Ben’s and Curtis Palmer Program’s future expedition that will be taking place in September.

Ben Parkinson MBE

Regarded to many as the most severely injured soldier to survive Afghanistan, he was honored with an MBE in 2013 for his dedicated service towards the veterans of the UK military forces. Despite having both legs amputated and several physical injuries, Ben has significantly supported several charities, provided guidance with his heartwarming personality, accomplished exciting expeditions worldwide and raised sizeable funds for welfare programs.

One such charity is the Curtis Palmer Program, which travels alongside Ben through several events. They say Ben’s commendable perseverance and infectious sense of humour despite his injuries motivate their service users from all backgrounds to their full potential. He is not just a Military Ambassador of the charity but a dear friend.

Curtis Palmer Program

In remembrance of PC Curtis Palmer from Dorset Police, the Curtis Palmer Program or CPP was formed to help retired Police Officers, Police Staff and Military Veterans. According to their website, the sickness cost for Police Forces amounts to millions of pounds per year. Furthermore, PTSD and stress are the number one reason for sickness nationally among police forces. Therefore, in times when horrifying stories are surfacing the net from all over the world, we are delighted to put the spotlight on this charity that supports brave-hearted personnel who have sacrificed themselves for the nation and are currently physically ill, injured or suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression.

The CPP has based its activities on the 5 steps to mental wellbeing by the NHS. They provide various courses and expeditions to those in need. Where their 10-day online course has helped 400 users from 18 different National Police forces, a study of their online breathing course shows that 87% found a reduction of stress after the first session and 91% after completing 12 weeks (about 3 months). Additionally, they have conducted several events, one of which is the National 3 Peak Challenge, providing an opportunity to climb the highest mountains in Scotland, England, and Wales. 2 out of 3 are completed, with the final event fully booked for September 2024.

The CPP has been made Thames Vally Police’s Charity of choice, recognised by the High Sherriff of Buckingham for their charity work, and she presented them her High Sherriff Crest to use and endorse their work. They have planted almost 1000 trees to offset their carbon footprint for all their activities.

Veterans in the HGV Industry

Change is inevitable, and the experience for military officials differs from person to person. While some might have a smooth transition into a civil lifestyle after parting ways with the forces, others might tend to feel unwelcomed, difficult to adjust and might also fall victim to mental health issues. However, there have been efforts by the government and many services to help ex-soldiers fight this issue and provide opportunities in different sectors, including the transportation industry. On one hand, there is an increasing need for HGV Drivers. On the other, there is a need to help the transition of military officials into civil jobs with the respect they deserve.

In 2022, The Office for Veterans’ Affairs took a bold step in providing £100,000 to charity ‘Veterans into Logistics’ for services to help those who have served the British Army to pursue a career in HGV Driving roles. Director of Veterans into Logistics, Darren Wright says that veterans have the unique skill set of morals and standards drilled into them throughout their career, which are much appreciated by most companies they partner with in the transportation sector. Likewise, several other charities and recruitment services in the industry are looking at means to help these individuals by providing essential training and equipment necessary for the HGV driving roles.


Veterans Onboarded By HGV Driver Group

Like James, several ex-militaries have turned their world around and onboarded with the HGV Driver Group. So we understand the emotion behind the change. The transportation industry eliminates long terms away from home and allows employees more personal and family time. However, when it comes to accountancy and driver payment solutions, that is where our expertise lies. Whether you need to understand complex taxation terminology or maximising take-home pay, you can count on us to sort you out while you concentrate on the essential things in the journey of your HGV career.

Director’s Thoughts

Here is what Ericka Marsland has to say “We are proud to announce our involvement with the Curtis Palmer Program, a remarkable initiative dedicated to supporting the mental health and well-being of both ex-police force members and military veterans. Our commitment to this cause stems from our deep respect and admiration for the brave men and women who have served our country and communities.

One of our own drivers, who has been with us since 2016, is a beneficiary of this program. As an ex-Army member, he has faced unique challenges transitioning back into civilian life. The Curtis Palmer Program has provided him with invaluable support, helping him navigate these challenges and maintain his mental health.

At HGV Driver Group, we believe in giving back to those who have given so much for our safety and security. By partnering with the Curtis Palmer Program, we aim to extend our support beyond the workplace, ensuring our drivers have access to the resources they need to thrive. Our involvement is not just about supporting a cause; it is about honoring our commitment to our clients and recognizing the sacrifices they have made.

We are immensely proud of our drivers and all veterans and ex-police officers who have shown resilience and strength. Through our ongoing partnership with the Curtis Palmer Program, we hope to make a meaningful difference in their lives and continue to support the mental health of those who have served.”


In the American Television Miniseries ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,’ Sam Wilson, played by Anthony Mackie, said: “Symbols are nothing without the women and men that give them meaning.” We salute those who once wore the crest of the British Army and Police Force, symbolising its true meaning and are honoured to contribute to their support now when needed.

The HGV Driver Group provides a range of services for members of the HGV community, including HGV drivers, agencies, hauliers, associated businesses and their relatives. Check our website and social media pages to know more.

If you are interested in what we do, drop a comment, or contact us at admin@hgvdrivergroup.co.uk.

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